วันอังคารที่ 2 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2557

Top 5 stop motion on youtube

Top 05 Stop Motion Videos on YouTube

Stop motion film-making is a labor of love, so consider this collection of 10 amazing mini stop motion movies a love song to the format.
Encompassing music, graffiti, photography, computer gaming and even horror, these YouTube videos show off some inspiring creativity and represent hours and hours of work.
Have a browse through our top picks and then let us know your favorite stop motion movies in the comments below.

1. Stop Motion With Wolf And Pig

This much-emulated video shows just what you can create with a camera, your imagination and a papier-mâché pig.

2. MUTO a Wall-Painted Animation by BLU

Watching this "ambiguous animation painted on public walls," you soon forget you're seeing stitched together images of graffiti and lose yourself in the mesmerizing mutations.

3. DEADLINE Post-It Stop Motion

Bang-yao Liu's final college project takes the Post-It notes that were haunting him over ever-approaching deadlines and makes them the star of the show.


Now with a McDonald's/Coke ad under their belts (along with, we presume, wads of cash) "internetainers" Rhett and Link live up to their made-up-word job titles with this amusing vid.

5. Punch Drysdale

Featuring another duo, this clip is the intro video for sketch comedy troupepunchDRYSDALE's comedy videos, but it also works well as a standalone satire of modern life.


